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Crypto and Security

Digital Forensics







  1. ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)

  2. AMS (American Mathematical Society)

  3. Association for Symbolic Logic

  4. CERT

  5. DIMACS (Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science)

  6. EATCS (European Association for Theoretical Computer Science), Italian Chapter

  7. EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation)

  8. EMS (European Mathematical Society)

  9. ENISA (European Network and Information Security Agency)

  10. EPIC, (Electronic Privacy Information Center)

  11. ESPRIT

  12. EUROPA

  13. IACR (International Association for Cryptologic Research)

  14. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer)

  15. IEEE Communications Society

  16. IEEE Computer Society

  17. IEEE TC on Security and Privacy

  18. IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)

  19. Information Theory Society

  20. ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

  21. SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)

  22. NSF (National Science Foundation)

  23. NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)

  24. DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)

  25. NSA (National Security Agency)

  26. Fulbright Scholar Program

  27. Italian:

    1. AGID (Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale)

    2. AICA (Associazione Italiana per l'Informatica ed il Calcolo Automatico)

    3. ANVUR (Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del sistema Universitario e della Ricerca)

    4. ALSI (Associazione nazionale Laureati in Scienze dell'informazione ed Informatica)

    5. CINI (Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l'Informatica)

    6. CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)

    7. CNU (Comitato Nazionale Universitario)

    8. CRUI (Conferenza dei Rettori delle Universita' Italiane)

    9. CUN (Consiglio Universitario Nazionale)

    10. ENEA (Ente per le Nuove tecnologie, l'Energia e l'Ambiente)

    11. FSI (Forum per la Societa dell'Informazione)

    12. FTI (Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione)

    13. FUB (Fondazione Ugo Bordoni)

    14. GARR (Gruppo Armonizzazione Reti Ricerca)

    15. GII (Gruppo Ingegneria Informatica)

    16. GRIN (GRuppo di INformatica)

    17. Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca, Cineca

    18. Ministero delle Comunicazioni

    19. Regione Campania

    20. SIB (Società Italiana Brevetti)

    21. UMI (Unione Matematica Italiana)

Crypto and Security

  1. Handbook of Applied Cryptography

  2. Electronic Proceedings of the Eurocrypt and Crypto conferences 1981-1997

  3. LNCS Cryptography Volumes available via SpringerLINK

  4. Matt Blaze's site

  5. Rivest's homepage

  6. CryptoStats

  7. Advanced Crypto Software Collection

  8. Jan Camenisch's homepages of some cryptographers

  9. Kevin McCurley's cryptography research links page

  10. Computer Security History Project

  11. David Wagner's list of cryptography people

  12. Journal of Cryptology

  13. Journal of Mathematical Cryptology

  14. Cipher

  15. Cryptologia,

  16. Cryptology ePrint archive, current year

  17. Crypto-Gram Newsletter

  18. NIST Computer Security: FIPS

  19. IEEE Distributed Systems Online: Security

  20. Cryptography Mailing List

  21. Internet Protocol Journal

  22. Journal of Craptology

  23. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce

  24. Avi Rubin's List of crypto and security courses

  25. Phrack

  26. alt.2600

  27. bunnie's blog

  28. WikiCFP Security, WikiCFP Cryptography

  29. IACR Calendar of Events in Cryptology

  30. IEEE Cipher’s Calendar of Security and Privacy Related Events

  31. IEEE Cipher, Calls for Papers

  32. W3C Security

  33. IETF RFC

  34. IEEE P1363

Digital Forensics

  1. Digital Investigation

  2. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security

  3. International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics

  4. Small Scale Digital Device Forensics Journal

  5. International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics

  6. Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law

  7. Journal of Forensic Sciences

  8. Journal of Digital Forensic Practice (publication ceased in 2010)

  9. GCK's Cybercrime and Cyberforensics-related URLs

  10. W. Z. Venema and D. Farmer, Forensic Discovery

  11. secAU - Conference Proceedings

  12. International Information System Forensics Association (IISFA), IISFA Network


  1. Getting Started with LaTeX

  2. TeX Users Group web page

  3. TeX Users Group

  4. MiKTeX

  5. LaTeX Symbol List

  6. TeX Frequently Asked Questions

  7. Graphics ad Colour with Latex

  8. WinEdt

  9. lgrind for Win32 (program listings)

  10. tth (Tex to Html translator)

  11. jabref (open source bibliography reference manager)


  1. ChessBase

  2. Live Chess Rating

  3. World Chess Federation - FIDE

  4. chess24


  6. Playchess

  7. ChessVibes

  8. Chessdom

  9. New in chess

  10. History of Computer Chess

  11. GMChess

  12. Yahoo - Chess

  13. Computer Chess Programming


  1. Ansa, adnkronos, RAI Televideo, TGCOM, RAITGS, ABCNEWS,, The New York Times, MS NBC, Google News, Al Jazeera

  2. Il Sole 24 Ore, Corriere della sera, La Stampa, La Repubblica, Il Tempo, La Gazzetta dello Sport,, Espresso, Panorama

  3. SKY TG24,, RAI, La7, Television Broadcast

  4. Slashdot

  5. Corriere del mezzogiorno, Il Mattino, La Città,, Il Denaro, Il Giornalista


  1. Punto Informatico, PC Professionale, HTML point, ASPItalia, First Monday,, Voip-News, Wired News, CNET, PC World, TechWeb, ZDNet, Tom’s Hardware

  2. Scientific American, Le Scienze,

  3. Interlex

  4. ROARS

  5. Search. Google, Google Scholar, Google Print, Google Maps, Google Patent, US Patent Office, Delphion patent database, FOLDOC Computing, OneLook, Free translation site

  6. Barnes and Noble,, Internet Bookshop Italia, Feltrinelli, Apogeo

  7. Travel. Alitalia, Ferrovie dello Stato, ViaMichelin, Time - World Time Zones, Autostrade, Currency Converter

  8. Wikipedia, Citizendium

  9. Pagine Bianche,

  10. Salerno Memo

  11. EventSeer

  12. Improbable Research



Alfredo De Santis