SGI fam vulnerability

CVE 1999-0059


A vulnerability in the SGI fam service could allow a remote attacker to obtain a complete listing of files and directories on IRIX systems.


IRIX systems run a service called the file alteration monitor (fam). It is used by other programs to keep track of file modifications.

The Problem

When a client connects to the fam service, it specifies the name of a file or directory to watch for modifications. If the name of a directory is specified, the server returns a listing of that directory. An attacker could obtain a complete list of files on the system by obtaining a listing of the root directory and recursively following the subdirectories. All IRIX systems prior to IRIX 6.5.8 running the fam service are vulnerable.


Disable the fam service. This can be done by finding the line in /etc/inetd.conf starting with sgi_fam and putting a comment sign (#) at the beginning of the line. Then at the command prompt type "/etc/killall -HUP inetd" and "/etc/killall fam". Note that disabling fam may disrupt other services which depend upon it, such as fm, mailbox, mediad, scanners, sysmon, fxbuilder, and IRIS annotator, if they are running.

If the fam service cannot be disabled, install the open-source version which contains a fix for the vulnerability.

Where can I read more about this?

This vulnerability was first reported in NAI Security Bulletin 16 and was updated in an SGI Security Advisory.