Updated 5/12/03


Local and remote users may be able to execute arbitrary commands on the HTTP server with the privileges of the httpd daemon. This may be used to compromise the HTTP server and, under certain configurations, gain privileged access.


The HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP) allows a client to access HTML pages and other web applications using a web browser. HTTP servers contain programs called CGI scripts which perform functions on the server at the request of the client (when a form is submitted, for example) and transmit results to the client's browser in the form of an HTML page.

The Problems and Resolutions

Insecure programming practices in various CGI scripts could allow a remote attacker to gain read, write, or shell access to the server by sending specially crafted parameters to the script. Refer to the information below to determine which problems affect your server and how to fix them.

a1stats | admin.php | aglimpse | AnyForm | AnyForm2 | args.cmd | AspUpload | basilix.php3 | | bb_smilies.php | BBoardServlet | bbs_forum.cgi | book.cgi | boozt | | | campas | case.filemanager.php | catinfo | ChangeAdminPassword | check_me.mod.php | chetcpasswd.cgi | comment2.jse | console.exe | core.php | count | counterfiglet | CSNews.cgi | | db.php | | directory.php | directorypro.cgi | dnstools.php | exec.php3 | ezhttpbench.php | faxsurvey | filemanager_forms.php | formmail | generate.cgi | glimpse | graph.php | handler | htgrep | htmlscript | htsearch | ifx | ikonboard.cgi | imagemap.exe | info2www | infosrch.cgi | iPlanet search | jj | JSP10Servlet | | mail | mail/admin | man-cgi | mmstdod.cgi | multihtml | netauth.cgi | network_query.php | Network_Tools | none.php | normal_html.cgi | nph-mr.cgi | | opendir.php | perl | perl.exe | pfdispaly | PGPMail | phf | php | php/php.exe | phpMyAdmin/sql.php | phpPgAdmin/sql.php | phpping | phprojekt | Poll_It | product.asp | product.ast | query | r.cgi | | servlet/webacc | shopping_cart.mdb | shopplus.cgi | source | ssi | SWEditServlet | talkback.cgi | tbl_copy.php | textcounter | | translations.php | uploader.exe | uploader.php | uploadimage.php | view_source | viewcode.jse | viewpage.php | viewsrc.cgi | vtopic | w-agora | WebAdmin.dll | webdist | webgais | webplus | websendmail | | whois.cgi | win-c-sample.exe | www-sql | wx/s.dll | | zml.cgi

CVE 1999-0039
A security vulnerability has been reported in the webdist.cgi cgi-bin program available with IRIX 5.x and 6.x. webdist.cgi is part of the IRIX Mindshare Out Box software package, which allows users to install software over a network via a World Wide Web interface. webdist.cgi allows webdist(1) to be used via an HTML form interface defined in the file webdist.html, which is installed in the default document root directories for both the Netsite and Out Box servers. Due to insufficient checking of the arguments passed to webdist.cgi, it may be possible to execute arbitrary commands with the privileges of the httpd daemon. This is done via the webdist program. When installed, webdist.cgi is accessible by anyone who can connect to the httpd daemon. Because of this, the vulnerability may be exploited by remote users as well as local users. Even if a site's webserver is behind a firewall, it may still be vulnerable.

Vendor patches to protect against this vulnerability are available from Silicon Graphics Inc., and they should be applied as soon as possible. A workaround to this problem is to immediately remove the execute permissions on the webdist.cgi program to prevent its exploitation. If the Webdist software is not required, it should be removed from the system entirely. You may read more about this vulnerability in CERT Advisory 97.12.

CVE 1999-0067
CAN 2000-1186
The phf cgi  program comes with the NCSA version 1.5 and Apache 1.03 web servers.  There may be other distributions that also have the phf cgi program in the cgi-bin directory.

There are two problems in phf . Firstly, the program relies on the escape_shell_cmd() function,  which can allow execution of system commands (ex: cat /etc/password).  Therefore, if a malicious user determines that the phf cgi is present on the system, he or she can execute commands which have the same privilege as the web server.

The second problem is a buffer overflow condition in the handling of the HTTP_X environment variable. By sending a specially crafted string to the server through this variable, an attacker could execute arbitrary code.

It is recommend that you remove the cgi from the cgi-bin directory.  The program is not required to run the web server.

CVE 1999-0146
The campas cgi program is installed with older versions of the NCSA web server.  A malicious user may be able to execute commands with the same privilege of the web server running.

It is recommend that you remove the cgi from the cgi-bin directory.  The program is not required to run the web server.

CVE 1999-0147
The handler cgi is part of the Outbox Environment subsystem on IRIX 5.x and 6.x systems.  The cgi can be manipulated to execute commands at the privilege level of the web server.
Check to see if the Outbox system is on the system:

  % /usr/sbin/versions outbox.sw
  I = Installed, R = Removed
  Name                 Date      Description
  I outbox             03/23/97  Outbox Environment, 1.2
  I outbox.sw          03/23/97  Outbox End-User Software, 1.2
  I outbox.sw.outbox   03/23/97  Outbox Software Tools, 1.2
  I outbox.sw.webdist  03/23/97  Web Software Distribution Tools, 1.2

There are patches available from SGI FTP site.
You may also remove the Outbox subsystem if there is no need for it being installed.

You may read more about the vulnerability in CERT Vendor Bulletin 97.07.

CVE 1999-0264
htmlscript  "is an HTML based web development language which provides the power of scripting via new, easy-to-use tag," according to BugTraq.  The htmlscript, from, has a vulnerability which allows a malicious user to access files.  The vulnerability exists in 2.99x according to htmlscript.  Version 3.x/Miva 1.x does not contain the vulnerability.

Upgrade to the newest version which can be found at the website.

CVE 1999-0058
The php is a NCSA cgi enhancement.  The cgi has a vulnerability that lets unauthorized users view file on the system.  The cgi works by sending the path to the file as an argument to the cgi


The php.cgi will let the malicious user view any file that the web server has privilege to read.

The author has the following solution, in the php.h file add the line:

#define PATTERN_RESTRICT ".*\\phtml$"

that will restrict the php.cgi to viewing files with phtml as the extension.  The current version can be found  For more details, see here.

CVE 1999-0021
The count program is used to count the number of times a particular web page has been accessed. In the program there is "...insufficient bounds checking on arguments which are supplied by users.."  There is a possibility of overwrite the stack space and execute commands.  A malicious user can create a specific argument to the count.cgi and force it to execute commands with the permission of the web server privileges.

It is recommended to upgrade to the latest version. An alternative to upgrading is to remove the execute permissions from the cgi, however, this will cause the counter on the web page not to work correctly.  The rest of the web page should continue to look the same.  For more details, see the CERT advisory. The version to at least upgrade to is 2.4.

CVE 1999-0260
jj is a demo cgi program.  It does not check user input to the /bin/mail program.  Therefore, a malicious your can have themselves sent the any output they wish to view.  For example, if the web server is running as root, they may mail themselves the password file.

Since the program is a demo, it is recommend that it be removed from the cgi-bin directory.

CVE 1999-0270
The pfdispaly (sic) cgi is part of the IRIS Performer API Search Tool which is a web based search tool that comes with the IRIX 6.2-6.4 operating system.  The vulnerability could allow access to files with the privileges of the user "nobody."

Change the permissions of the cgi:  /bin/chmod 500 /var/www/cgi-bin/pfdispaly.cgi
The permission should be -r-x------BugTraq has information about the pfdispaly vulnerability.

CVE 1999-0262
The faxsurvey could allow a malicious user to execute any command they want at the privilege level of the http server.  The cgi is part of the HylaFAX package that can with S.u.S.E. 5.1 & 5.2.  Older versions may also be vulnerable.

There have been a variety of attempts made to fix the code in faxsurvey.cgi.  However, the best thing to do is remove it from the cgi-bin directory if there is no need for the cgi.

PHProject versions prior to 3.2 contain a number of vulnerabilities, including:

Upgrade to PHProjekt 3.2 or higher.

CVE 2002-0451
PHProjekt version 3.1a (and 3.1) contains a bug in the filemanager_forms.php script that would allow an attacker to redefine the 'lib_path' variable, thereby including arbitrary PHP scripts for execution.

Obtain an update from the vendor.

CVE 1999-0266
The info2www cgi translates the Info Nodes that a user can view in Emacs, to HTML on the fly.  The script is written in perl and can allow a malicious user to execute system commands at the privilege level of the web server.  Not all of the versions of info2www are considered vulnerable.  The way to determine if you have a vulnerable script is to see if it at least has a version number and is greater than version 1.1.  If it does not have a version number, then it is most likely vulnerable and if it is version 1.1, it is also vulnerable.

It is recommended that the script is updated to the latest, version 1.2. You can read about the vulnerability at BugTraq.

textcounter is a perl script that displays a text based number which is the number of visitors to the web page.  The counter  needs to read, write, and create a file to store the number of visitors.  The vulnerability comes from a lack of a test for shell metacharacters.  A malicious user may be able to have perl execute commands at the web server privilege.  Check out BugTraq to see more information on the vulnerability.

To fix the vulnerability add the line after line 91 (taken from BugTraq):

$count_page = "$ENV{'DOCUMENT_URI'}";         # the original 91 line ....
$count_page =~ s/([^a-z0-9])/sprintf("%%%02X",$1)/ge;   # ADD THIS !!!!!

CVE 1999-0148
Glimpse is a search and indexing tool.  aglimpse/glimpse is an interface to the Glimpse search tool.  The cgi is written in perl. The vulnerability can allow access to the password by mailing a malicious user the password file.

GlimpseHTTP is no longer available for updating, however, there is a new Glimpse interface called WebGlimpse. It is recommended that the system be updated with WebGlimpse.

WebGais & websendmail:
CVE 1999-0176
CVE 1999-0196
WebGAIS is an interface to the Global Area Intelligent Search (GAIS) index/search tool.  The cgi can be tricked to execute system commands with the privilege of the web server.  The websendmail is a cgi that comes with the WebGAIS package.  websendmail can be tricked to send the password file to a malicious user because there is no check on what type of characters are sent to the perl cgi.  Therefore, a given a certain set of metacharacters, a malicious user may be able to have the cgi execute system commands with the privilege of the web server.

The best thing to do is upgrade to the latest version of the WebGAIS package.  After getting the latest version, disable the websendmail cgi that is included in the package.

CAN 1999-0509
Perl is an interpreted scripting language.  To execute the perl script, the interpreter is used and the script is executed.  However, the interpreter should not be in the cgi-bin directory of the web server.  If there is a perl interpreter or a link to the interpreter, then a malicious user can do everything the normal perl interpreter can do from the command line.

Some very good rules to live by that have been found on the web:

  1. Never place any of your perl.exe files into your www-server directory
  2. Never call any perl script via this command line perl.exe?
  3. Never place perl anywhere on your system, reference it with the registry (for Windows Systems)
  4. Never associate any *.pl file with your perl executable, so that double clicking on any perl script will execute it immediately
  5. Never place any perl.exe into your cgi folders

Remove the links and binaries of the perl interpreter from the cgi-bin directory.

The www-sql cgi is designed to access a mysql database through a http server and create a nice query result page.  Put simple, it generates HTML pages dynamically from the output of the SQL server, the database.  The problem that occurs is that www-sql overrides .htaccess restrictions.
.htaccess is a file that puts restrictions on directories for Apache and NCSA based web servers.  You can read more about the problem at BugTraq.

It is recommended that the script is updated to the latest version.

CVE 1999-0174
The cgi comes on the SCO Skunkware cdroms.  The cgi is to display documents, however, it does not check the arguments correctly and therefore can show files with the privilege of the web server.

According to BugTraq it is best to remove the cgi.

Whether any machines on your network are susceptible to this vulnerability or not, you should consider taking this opportunity to examine your entire httpd configuration schemes. In particular, all CGI programs that are not required should be removed, and all those remaining should be examined for possible security vulnerabilities. It is also important to ensure that all child processes of httpd are running as a non privileged user. This is often a configurable option. See the documentation for your httpd distribution for more details.

CVE 1999-0177
CAN 2000-0769
O'Reilley's web server Website contains a program called uploader.exe, some versions of which allow any remote user to upload arbitrary files anywhere on the server. This could be used to upload executable files into the cgi-bin directory and run them from the browser, thus allowing an attacker to execute arbitrary commands on the server.

Delete uploader.exe from the system. Use ftp to upload files.

This script, found on Website web servers, echos parameters without checking them for illegal characters. Arbitrary code could be executed by passing it a parameter containing quote and newline characters.

Delete args.cmd. It is provided as a sample program and is not needed on an operational web server.

CVE 1999-0178
This script puts input parameters into a fixed-length string without checking the length of the string, causing a buffer overflow condition. This condition can be used to execute arbitrary code on the server.

Delete win-c-sample.exe. It is provided as a sample program and is not needed on an operational web server.

product.asp, product.ast:
CVE 2000-0161
These scripts are sometimes found on Microsoft Site Server 3.0 (Commerce Edition) web servers. The first is part of the Volcano Coffee sample site. The second is created by the Site Builder wizard. These scripts accept user input which is put into an SQL query without any validity checking. A malicious user could supply input which includes arbitrary SQL commands to Read, Create, Modify, or Delete data.

Install a patch. See the Microsoft Security Bulletin for patch information.

CVE 2000-0208
This is part of the htdig package. A remote user can view any file on the system by passing the filename enclosed by backticks to htsearch as an input parameter. Versions of htdig prior to 3.1.4 and 3.2.0b1 are vulnerable.

CVE 2001-0834
A second problem results from the fact that htsearch allows a remote user to pass command-line arguments to the program from a web browser. By using the -c (configuration file) command line option to refer to a special file such as /dev/zero, it is possible to cause the program to stall, resulting in a denial of service. Furthermore, if the attacker is able to upload or manipulate files on the server, such as a Samba log file or a writeable anonymous FTP directory, the attacker could create a specially crafted configuration file which could be used to read aribtrary files on the server.

Upgrade to htdig 3.1.6 (release) or 3.2.0 beta 4 or higher, or install an updated package from your vendor. Vendor updates are available from Caldera, Conectiva, Debian, SuSE, or Mandrake. If neither the new version nor a vendor update is available, upgrade to 3.1.5 or 3.2.0 beta 3 and install one of the patches posted to Bugtraq.

CVE 2000-0207
This script, found on IRIX systems, allows man pages and other documentation to be viewed over the web. It does not validate the "fname" input parameter, which could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary commands using special shell characters.

Remove or disable infosrch.cgi.

This script comes with Cart32, an E-commerce Shopping Cart package. It allows the administrative password for the Shopping Cart application to be changed without any knowledge of the previous one. Once the password is set, it can be used to execute arbitrary commands using a specially crafted URL.

On Windows NT, change the permissions on c32web.exe so that it is only accessible by administrators. On Windows 95 or 98, remove c32web.exe. Alternatively, apply the patch developed by L0pht.
CVE 2000-0432
Matt Kruse's calendar script prior to version 2.2, and including version 2.2 if downloaded before 5/17/2000, does not validate the input provided by the user, thus allowing a remote attacker to issue arbitrary commands with the privileges of the web server.

Download the latest version from, or make the following change to both and

After the line:

Insert the lines:
$in{config} =~ s|[^\s\w\.\/]||g;
$in{template} =~ s|[^\s\w\.\/]||g;

CVE 2000-0424
The web page access counter script version 4.0.7 by George Burgyan does not properly validate user input, allowing the remote execution of commands with the privileges of the web server. The counterfiglet script is one of a number of links to the counter script. All of the links are affected in a similar way.

The counter script is no longer supported. Delete the counter script and all of the links to it. If the counter function is needed, install any of the newer scripts which do the same thing.

CVE 2000-0590
Poll It is a script for running online polls and displaying the results. By passing parameters which overwrite the initial settings in the script, it is possible to view any file on the system to which the http server has read access.

In the file cgi-bin/pollit/Poll_It_SSI_v2.0.cgi, move the line:

%in = &ReadForm;
above the local variable initializations, e.g. to line 66.

CVE 1999-0951
This file found on OmniHTTPD web servers contains a buffer overflow condition which could allow a remote attacker to gain access to the server. OmniHTTPD 2.4Pro and Omnicron OmniHTTPD 1.1 are vulnerable.

Remove imagemap.exe from the cgi-bin directory.

Big Brother (
CVE 2000-0638
A vulnerability in Big Brother could allow a remote attacker to read any file on the server by exploiting the script.

The vulnerability in can be fixed by upgrading to version 1.4h2 or higher.

CVE 2000-0039
The AltaVista Search Engine has a vulnerability which could allow a remote attacker to reconfigure the web server. The query program allows files in the directory above it to be viewed. An attacker could find encoded passwords in one of these files, decrypt them, and use them to log into the online configuration tool.

Upgrade to the latest version of the AltaVista Search Engine.

CVE 2002-0473
The db.php script of PHPBB2 CGI version 2.0 allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary commands by modifying the 'phpbb_root_path' URL parameter.

Download the latest version of PHPBB2.
CVE 2000-0707
This file, included with the PCCS MySQL Database Admin Tool, reveals the plain text administrator password. The tool also allows any remote user to administer the database.

Secure the pccsmysqladm directory through the web server.

CVE 2000-0782
Netauth is a web-based e-mail management system. It is possible to view arbitrary files on the system by supplying a specially crafted input parameter.

Download the latest version of Netauth.

CAN 2000-0832
This script allows the user to specify header and footer files to be appended to the search output. By specifying an absolute pathname, an attacker could view any file which is readable by the web server process.

Disable the script, or download a fixed version when it becomes available.

CAN 2000-0629
CAN 2000-0812
SUN's Java Web Server comes with a number of example applications. One of these, the Bulletin Board application, allows a remote user to upload arbitrary JSP code to the server. It is then possible to cause the servlet which executes JSP code to execute the uploaded file by manually prepending servlet/ to its pathname. An attacker could execute arbitrary code in this manner.

Disable example applications and the invoker servlet as follows: In the administration applet under Setup, remove the File Alias:

/examples   $server_home/examples

and remove the Servlet Alias:

/servlet   invoker

for both the Web Service and the Secure Web Service. For further instructions on securing Java Web Server, see the document from SUN and CERT Advisory 2000-02.,
CVE 2000-0853
CAN 2000-1176
Yet another Bulletin Board (YaBB) is an Open Source bulletin board system. There are vulnerabilities in two of the scripts that come with YaBB. The first,, can be exploited to view any file on the system. The second,, can be exploited to view any file or to execute arbitrary commands.

Install the latest version of YaBB.

The problem in can also be fixed by adding the following line after line 13:

if ($viewnum !~ /^[0-9]/) { &fatal_error("This field only accepts numbers from 0-9" ); }

CAN 2000-0842
This file is the search function used by the SCO UnixWare 7 scohelphttp web server. Due to a lack of variable checking, it can be exploited to view any world-readable file on the system, including /etc/passwd.

Install a fix from SCO when it becomes available, or run the following commands to disable the scohelphttp server:


CVE 2000-0912
The MultiHTML script allows SSI calls to be placed in web pages to include the same HTML file in multiple pages. The script can be tricked into revealing arbitrary files by including a null character in the filename.

Install the latest version of MultiHTML.

CVE 2000-0900
The ssi script is part of thttpd. A lack of parameter checking in ssi, combined with the fact that thttpd translates hexadecimal codes after removing illegal "../" strings, could allow a remote attacker to view arbitrary files.

Upgrade to thttpd version 2.20 or higher.

This file is the database used by CyberOffice Shopping Cart. By default, any web user can download this file, thereby gaining access to customer information, including credit card information.

Set the directory permissions to allow write but not read. This will enable users to update the database as required by the application, but not to download it.

CVE 2000-0282
This script is part of the Web+ e-commerce server by Talentsoft. It is the interface to the webpsvr daemon, which is the driving process for the software. A lack of parameter checking could allow a remote attacker to view arbitrary files on the system.

Upgrade to Web+ build 512 or later.

CVE 2001-0021
This script is part of MailMan, a web-based e-mail application. Arbitrary commands can be run with the privileges of the web server process by sending a specially crafted value to the ALTERNATE_TEMPLATES form variable.

Upgrade to version 3.0.26 or higher.

CVE 2001-0123
This script is part of WebBBS, a web-based bulletin board application. Due to a lack of checking of the read parameter, it is possible for a remote attacker to read any file on the system by supplying a value with the dot-dot-slash string.

Download the latest version of WebBBS, or add the following lines to the script just below the line that reads &ReadParse;:

if ($in{'read'} && $in{'read'} !~ /^\d+-\d+\.msg$/i) {
    print "Invalid Message #";
    die("Invalid Message # provided: " .
if ($in{'reply_to_message'} &&
	$in{'reply_to_message'} !~ /^\d+-\d+\.msg$/i) {
    print "Invalid Reply To Message #";
    die("Invalid Reply To Message # provided: " .

CVE 2001-0321
This script is part of PHP Nuke, a set of PHP tools used to create and manage automated news web sites. There is a vulnerability which could allow a remote attacker to view any file on the system which is readable by the web server by manipulating the requesturl parameter.

Install the vendor patch.

CAN 2001-0320
This is another script that comes with PHP Nuke. The problem is that PHP Nuke uses base-64 encoding when sending user information, allowing null characters to be included in the input. Both bb_smilies.php and bbcode_ref.php are affected by this vulnerability.

Make the changes which were posted to Bugtraq.

CVE 2001-1032
This is another script which comes with PHP Nuke. A vulnerability in the program could allow a remote user to upload or copy files on the web server without providing any authentication. By copying the config.php file to a public document directory, the attacker could view the SQL passwords contained therein.

Upgrade to a fixed version of PHP Nuke. It is unknown at this time which version will contain a fix. Alternatively, remove the block of code beginning with:

if($upload) { 

Note: SAINT checks for this vulnerability by copying a file called saint.txt into the images directory and then verifying its existance. To stop SAINT from continuing to detect this vulnerability after it has been fixed, remove saint.txt from the server.

CAN 2001-0854
This is another script which comes with PHP Nuke. It is intended to be included by admin.php, and not to be run directly from a web browser. However, by sending a specially crafted HTTP request, it is possible to make the script believe it is being called by admin.php when it is actually being called remotely from a web browser. This vulnerability could allow a remote attacker to copy or delete files on the server. If the attacker is able to upload files by anonymous FTP or another mechanism, the attacker could upload PHP scripts and copy them to a directory under the web document root, and then execute them from a web browser, thus gaining the ability to execute arbitrary scripts.

The vendor has not released a patch for this vulnerability at the time of this writing. Two possible workarounds are to revoke access to the script, or to protect the script using HTTP authentication. To revoke access to the script, enter the following commands:

# cd document-root
# chmod 0 admin/case/case.filemanager.php
where document-root is the web document root.

Note: SAINT checks for this vulnerability by copying a file called saint1.txt into the web document root, and then verifying its existance. To stop SAINT from continuing to detect this vulnerability after it has been fixed, remove saint1.txt from the server.

This script allows Unix man pages to be viewed from a web browser. A vulnerability in the script could allow a remote attacker to view arbitrary files using hex-encoded space characters.

Change the line:


CAN 2001-0420
Due to a lack of parameter checking in the article parameter, this script could be used to view any file on the system. Furthermore, this vulnerability could be exploited to view the script itself, revealing the administrative password which can be used to post or delete articles.

Upgrade to the latest version of the script.

CAN 2001-0432
This script is part of the Trend Micro InterScan VirusWall. Although there are access controls intended to protect the scripts in this package, catinfo and some other scripts are still accessible due to a configuration error. Furthermore, these scripts are affected by a buffer overflow vulnerability in the processing of input data, which could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary commands.

Upgrade to InterScan VirusWall 3.6 or higher.
CVE 2001-0463
This script is part of the PerlCal web-based calendar package. Due to a lack of parameter checking, a remote attacker could view any file on the server which is readable by the web server process.

Install a patch from the vendor when one becomes available. Until then, it would be advisable to deny access to the script using a command such as chmod 000

CAN 2001-0561
CAN 2001-0562
A1-Stats is a program used to generate statistics about the number and locations of visitors to a web site. Due to a lack of checking of input parameters, it is possible for a remote attacker to read any file which is readable by the owner of the web server process, or to overwrite any file which is writable by the owner of the web server process.

Download the latest version of A1-Stats.

CAN 2002-0434
The directory.php script by Marcus S. Xenakis allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary command-line commands by modifying the 'dir' URL parameter. The script is for UNIX systems.

Contact the vendor for a fix.

CAN 2001-0780
Directory Pro is a utility for creating an Internet directory web site with search capabilities. Due to a lack of parameter checking, it is possible to gain read access to any file on the web server which is readable by the web server process.

Contact the vendor for a fix.

CVE 2001-0630
This script is a source viewer used to view the source code of scripts on a web server. Due to a lack of parameter checking, it is possible for a remote attacker to view arbitrary files.

Apply the patch which was posted to Bugtraq.

CAN 2001-0555
ScreamingMedia's SiteWare™ includes a web-based administration interface powered by the SWEditServlet script. Due to inadequate checking of input parameters, it is possible to view any file on the system by providing the script with a specially crafted template variable.

Upgrade to SiteWare 2.5.1 or 3.3.1 or higher. See the vendor advisory for information on obtaining free upgrades.

phpMyAdmin/sql.php, phpPgAdmin/sql.php:
phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin are web-based administration interfaces for MySQL and PostgreSQL, respectively. Insecure calls to the PHP include function could allow a remote attacker to read arbitrary files or execute arbitrary commands by sending specially crafted parameters to the sql.php script.

Upgrade to phpMyAdmin 2.2.0pre5 (released June 4, 2001) or later, or apply the patch produced by SecureReality for phpMyAdmin or phpPgAdmin.

CAN 2001-1060
The default installation of phpMyAdmin includes a default "test" database. A remote user can create a table in this database with no username or password using the tbl_create.php script. An attacker could execute arbitrary commands on the server by first creating a table in this manner, and then exploiting a lack of input parameter validation in the tbl_copy.php and tbl_rename.php scripts.

The vulnerability can be fixed by removing one line from each of the two scripts:

tbl_copy.php: eval("\$message = \"$strCopyTableOK\";"); 
tbl_rename.php: eval("\$message = \"$strRenameTableOK\";"); 

CAN 2001-1045
This script is part of the BasiliX web mail system. An insecure call to the include function causes a file associated with the RequestID variable to be read. Since the request ID "DUMMY" is always accepted, and the file association can be specified by a specially crafted input parameter, this script can be exploited remotely to gain read access to arbitrary files.

Remove "DUMMY" from, and replace the last lines in basilix.php3 with the following:

// -- launch the desired file
$file = ereg_replace("\.\.|\/", "", $request_id["$RequestID"]);
if($file == "") exit();
include($BSX_FILESDIR . "/" . $file);

CAN 2001-1114
This script is part of the NetCode GuestBook. Due to insufficient checking of user-supplied parameters, an attacker could execute arbitrary commands by sending a specially crafted request containing special characters in the current parameter.

A fix has not yet been released for this vulnerability. Remove the script if it is not needed.

CAN 2001-1115
This script is part of SIX-webboard. Due to insufficient parameter checking, an attacker could view any file on the system which is readable by the web server process.

Immediately after the line:

print "Content-type:text/html\n\n";
insert the following line:
if (length($content) > 5) {print qq(error); exit;}

CAN 2001-0992
This script is part of the ShopPlus shopping cart system. Due to a lack of checking for illegal characters in user-supplied parameters, it is possible for a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code.

Contact the vendor for a fix.

CAN 2001-1138
This is the script which serves as the central routing point for Power Up HTML web systems. Due to insufficient checking of user-supplied parameters, it could be possible for a remote attacker to view files or execute commands on the web server.

It is unknown whether a fix will be provided in an upcoming version. Contact the vendor for more information.

This program, as well as cs.exe, is normally used to allow authenticated users to make administrative changes to a PGP key server. However, using an alternate URL, it is possible for remote users who are not authenticated also to make administrative changes.

Change the configuration such that users are always required to authenticate before accessing the console, cs, multi_config, and directory programs. Follow the instructions given in the PGP Security Advisory.

This script is the login page for Novell GroupWise users to access their e-mail and other functions. Due to a path traversal vulnerability, a remote attacker could view arbitrary files on the same disk volume as the web server by specifying a null-terminated User.html parameter containing ../ sequences.

Contact your customer support representative for a patch. It is also advisable to locate the web server on a separate disk partition from the operating system.

Network Query Tool is a CGI script which allows a user to perform network queries such as DNS, Whois, ping, and traceroute using a web interface. Due to insufficient parameter checking, it is possible for a remote attacker to execute arbitrary commands by supplying a hex-encoded semi-colon character after the host name in the target variable.

No known fix is available at this time. Until a fix can be applied, it would be advisable to remove the script or else deny remote access to the web server.

CVE 2001-0899
The Network Tools package is an add-on module to PHP Nuke which offers a web interface to the NMAP, traceroute, and ping utilities. Due to insufficient parameter checking, it is possible to run commands remotely from a web browser by including special characters in the target host field.

Upgrade to Network Tools 0.3 or higher.

CAN 2001-0924
The Web DataBlade Module for Informix is a set of tools which facilitate the development of web-enabled database applications. A directory traversal attack could allow a remote attacker to read arbitrary files on the server.

Apply a vendor patch if one becomes available. At this time, there is not much information available about which versions and platforms are vulnerable. It may be worth upgrading to version 4.1x of the web driver, but it is not certain that that would be an adequate fix. See Bugtraq for more information.

CAN 2001-0938
This is just one of several potentially dangerous sample scripts which are included with AspUpload. It provides a form which allows the user to upload a file to a fixed file name on the server. However, the destination file name is passed in through a hidden form variable, which could easily be changed to an arbitrary name by manipulating the form's source code on the client. Furthermore, UploadScript11.asp, the script which processes the form data, does not check the file name for special characters, so the uploaded file could be placed anywhere on the logical drive. An attacker could execute arbitrary commands by uploading a script to the web server's script directory, and then requesting the script from a web browser.

The entire AspUpload/Scripts directory should be deleted. Note that simply deleting the Test11.asp and UploadScript11.asp scripts is not an adequate solution. There are other sample scripts which could allow a remote attacker to list directories, read arbitrary files, or upload files to arbitrary locations on the drive., PGPMail.txt:
CAN 2001-0937
This script, an extension of the FormMail script, encrypts HTML form data before mailing it to a recipient. Due to a lack of input parameter checking, it is possible for a remote attacker to execute arbitrary commands by including special characters in the recipient or pgpuserid parameters.

Change the source code as described in Bugtraq.
This script, developed by, converts data from an HTML form into a Comma-Separated Value (CSV) database. Due to insufficient checking of the file parameter, it is possible for a remote attacker to execute arbitrary commands by including special characters in the query.

Instead of allowing users to specify the file name as a hidden form variable, force the script to use a fixed file name. Just above the following line (line 40):

where /path/filename is the full path and file name of the database file.

This script is present on Novell Netware web servers by default, and is part of
ScriptEase: Web Server Edition (SE:WSE), a Javascript development utility. viewcode.jse is a sample script which allows two default files, httplist.html and httplist.jse (both located in the httplist directory) to be viewed. However, the name of the file to view can be specified by the user as an input parameter through a web request. Furthermore, the only validation of the input file is a check that the httplist directory is in the path. This check is inadequate because it allows an attacker to escape from the intended directory by including the ../ string in the path, thus allowing read access to any file on the system.

Novell Netware 5.1 prior to service pack 3 is affected by this vulnerability. Other operating systems hosting the SE:WSE package are also vulnerable, but the package is not installed by default.

Remove viewcode.jse and other sample scripts from the web server, and apply service pack 3 to Netware 5.1.

CAN 2002-0323
This is another vulnerable sample script which comes with ScriptEase: Web Server Edition. It could be used to read arbitrary files on the server.

Remove the script. It can be found under the sewse/jabber directory. The full path depends upon the platform.

CAN 2001-1209
This is a PERL script which supports server-side include directives under Apache. It is possible to view arbitrary files on the system by supplying a file parameter containing the "../" sequence and a null byte.

There is no known vendor-supplied fix for this problem. It would be advisable to remove the script.

The instructions that come with PHP advise users of Apache for Windows to create the following script alias:

ScriptAlias /php/ "c:/php/"
This alias allows users to access the php/ directory, and thus the php.exe program, which is the PHP language interpreter. This interpreter can be used to view arbitrary files on the system using a web browser. This vulnerability affects PHP with Apache for Windows only.

There is no vendor-supplied solution at this time. It would be advisable to remove the above script alias line from the httpd.conf file. Note that some of the lines directly following the script alias may then need to be modified in order to maintain PHP functionality.

CVE 2002-0098
BOOZT! is a banner management system for Linux. BOOZT! comes with a web-based administration interface which is powered by the index.cgi program. Some of the input parameters to index.cgi are copied into fixed-length buffers without first checking their length, which could lead to a buffer overflow. Successful exploitation of this vulnerability could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary commands with the privileges of the web server. BOOZT! version 0.9.8alpha and earlier are affected by this vulnerability.

A new buffer overflow in index.cgi has been discovered in BOOZT! 0.9.8 Standard. Earlier versions, and perhaps the premium version, may also be vulnerable.

Upgrade to the latest version of BOOZT! when it becomes available.

This script performs spell-checking for the Squirrelmail web mail system. Due to insecure use of PHP variables, it is possible for a remote attacker to execute arbitrary commands on the server by sending a specially crafted query with the commands included in the SQSPELL_APP[] input variable.

Upgrade to Squirrelmail 1.2.4 or later.

This script is part of the Ganglia cluster monitoring system's PHP-based web client. In some cases, the value of the command input parameter is executed by the system, thus allowing a remote attacker to execute arbitrary commands. Ganglia versions prior to 1.0.2 are affected by this vulnerability.

Upgrade to Ganglia version 1.0.2 or higher.,
CVE 2002-0488
CAN 2002-0489
These scripts, distributed by Linux Directory, are simple web interfaces to the traceroute and nslookup utilities. Due to a lack of parameter checking, a remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands by sending specially crafted input to either script. Note that this is only a problem in the and scripts and not vulnerabilities in the traceroute and nslookup programs themselves.

There is no vendor fix for this problem. It would be advisable to delete and

CVE 2002-0613
This script is part of DNSTools, which provides a web-based interface for DNS configuration and management. Due to the script's failure to initialize variables, versions prior to 2.0 beta 5 allow a remote attacker to bypass authentication by specifying user_logged_in=true and/or user_dnstools_administrator=YES in the query. Once authentication is bypassed, the attacker could make arbitrary changes to DNS tables, which could be used to carry out subsequent attacks.

Upgrade to DNSTools 2.0 beta 5 or higher.

CAN 2002-0893
This class is part of the ServletExec web application server. It can be invoked either by requesting a .jsp file or directly using the path /servlet/com.newatlanta.servletexec.JSP10Servlet.

Vulnerabilities in JSP10Servlet could allow a remote attacker to view the source code of files under the web root or crash the IIS service.

Install patch 9.

CAN 2002-0921
CAN 2002-0922
CAN 2002-0923
CAN 2002-0924
This script processes requests for the CSNews news management package for web sites. Multiple vulnerabilities could allow an unauthenticated user to view database files, configuration files (including usernames and passwords), and full physical path names. Furthermore, an authenticated or anonymous user could change settings and execute commands.

Contact for a fix. Only allow trusted users to access the application. Restrict access to *db and *.style files.

iPlanet search:
CAN 2002-1042
This program is the search engine which comes with iPlanet web servers. It is affected by two vulnerabilities. The first is a directory traversal vulnerability which could allow a remote attacker to view any file on the system by including the dot-dot-slash (../) string in the NS-query-pat parameter.

CAN 2002-0686
The second vulnerability is a buffer overflow. A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands by assigning a long, specially crafted value to the NS-rel-doc-name parameter.

Download and install Service Pack 10 for iPlanet Web Server 4.1 or Service Pack 3 for iPlanet Web Server 6.

This script is part of the Sun Professional Services i-Runbook service. It is intended to be used to view the build snapshop, but it can be used to view any file which is readable by the web server.

Contact the service provider for a fix.

CVE 2002-0513
This script is the administrative web interface for popper_mod, a POP3 e-mail client written in PHP. By default there is no access protection on this script, allowing remote attackers the ability to view, modify, or delete user accounts, passwords, and settings.

Use the web server's .htaccess file to restrict access to the script, or upgrade to popper_mod 1.2.2 or higher.

AnyForm, AnyForm2:
CVE 1999-0066
This script is used to process HTML form data and mail it to an e-mail address specified by a hidden parameter called AnyFormTo. Due to a lack of parameter checking, arbitrary shell commands can be embedded into this parameter using semi-colons simply by modifying the form on one's local machine. As a result, a remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands on the server.

The author released a fixed version, but the software has since been made unavailable to the public. It would be advisable to remove this program from the web server.

CVE 1999-0172
This is another program used to process HTML form data and mail it to an e-mail address. The recipient address is specified by a hidden parameter called recipient. Due to a lack of paramater checking, arbitrary shell commands can be embedded into this parameter, allowing an attacker to execute arbitrary commands on the server.

Upgrade to the latest version of FormMail.
CVE 2000-0010
This is the WebWho+ program, which is used to retrieve information about network domains through a web interface. Due to a lack of parameter checking, an attacker could embed shell commands within the type parameter, thus gaining unauthorized access to the server.

Upgrade to the latest version of WebWho+.

CVE 2000-0941
This script is Kootenay Web's Whois CGI application for retrieving network domain information through a web interface. Due to a lack of parameter checking, a remote attacker could gain unauthorized access to the server by embedding shell commands within the query.

Upgrade to the latest version of Whois.

This script is part of, a web-based e-mail reader supporting the POP protocol. There are two remotely exploitable vulnerabilities in The first affects nph-mr.cgi. An attacker could read arbitrary files by supplying a specially crafted value for the configLanguage parameter containing dot-dot-slash ("../") sequences and a terminating null character (%00). The second vulnerability affects compose.cgi. Insufficient validity checking of the $CONFIG{RealEmail} parameter in compose.cgi, which is used as the $from variable in network.cgi, could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary commands by submitting input containing special characters.

Upgrade to version 2.3.32 or higher.

eZ httpbench is a simple benchmarking program written in PHP. Due to a lack of input parameter checking, a remote attacker could view arbitrary files such as the /etc/passwd file by specifying the file name in the AnalyseSite variable.

There is no available fix at this time. The script should be deleted.

chetcpasswd is a utility which allows users to change their passwords using a web browser. Due to a lack of parameter checking, it is possible for a remote attacker to overflow the user parameter, which causes the program to reveal the last line of the /etc/shadow file. This information could be used to crack a user password and gain access to the system.

Delete the program, or use the /etc/chetcpasswd.allow file to permit access only to trusted hosts.

This script is part of Mambo SiteServer. It allows users to upload images and other non-executable file types. However, the file type check is insufficient, allowing an attacker to upload a script by following a legal extension with another extension. For example, an attacker could upload a script named filename.gif.php. The attacker could then use a web browser to execute the script, which could contain arbitrary commands.

Other scripts in Mambo SiteServer have cross-site scripting vulnerabilities which could allow a malicious web site to induce an unsuspecting visitor into executing arbitrary commands by following a malformed link to the vulnerable script.

Download all security patches for versions 3.0.7 through 4.0.11, or upgrade to the 4.0.12 stable release when it becomes available.

This program is the front-end to Follett's WebCollection Plus product. Due to insufficient parameter checking, it is possible to retrieve any file on the C: drive by specifying an absolute path name in the d parameter.

Upgrade to version 5.0.6 or higher when available. This version will presumably contain a fix.

w-agora/index.php, w-agora/modules.php:
These scripts are part of the w-agora web publishing and forum package. A remote attacker could read arbitrary commands on the server using a directory traversal attack in the bn or file parameter.

Upgrade to version 4.1.6 when available. This version will presumably contain a fix.

CAN 2003-0057
This script is part of the Hypermail software. Due to a buffer overflow condition, a remote attacker who controls his or her own authoritative DNS server could execute arbitrary commands by creating a long, specially crafted reverse DNS entry, which is then copied to a fixed length buffer by the mail program. The program could also be abused by spammers to send out mass quantities of e-mail while hiding their true origin.

An unrelated buffer overflow in the Hypermail program itself could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary commands by sending an e-mail message containing a long attachment filename to the mailbox. This vulnerability can only be exploited if the option progress is set to 2.

Upgrade to version 2.1.6 or higher. Alternatively, set the option progress to a value other than 2, and configure Hypermail not to use the mail program and remove it from the cgi-bin directory.

This script is part of the dotproject web-based project management and tracking tool. Due to a lack of protection of the locale directory combined with a lack of input parameter checking, a remote attacker could read any file on the system.

Install a vendor fix when one becomes available. Version 0.2.3 or higher will presumably contain a fix. If a fix is not available, create a file called .htaccess containing the text "Deny from all" in the dotproject/locales directory.

This script is part of the DotBr package. There are vulnerabilities affecting multiple files in this package:

Remove exec.php3, system.php3, and foo.php3. Rename to, and change all other scripts which reference it to use the new name.

This script is part of the TYPO3 package. Multiple vulnerabilities could allow path disclosure, retrieval of files outside the web root, command execution, cross-site scripting, and cookie theft.

Upgrade to the latest version of TYPO3, or apply the workaround posted to Bugtraq.

This script allows remote users to upload files to the server. By default, no password is required to upload, and files are placed in a directory which is accessible from the web. This allows a remote attacker to upload a PHP script and execute it from a web browser, thus gaining the ability to execute commands on the web server.

In the setup.php file, set $ADMIN[RequirePass] = "No";.
This script, developed by Wordit, makes insecure use of PERL's open call, allowing remote attackers to view arbitrary files or execute commands by embedding special characters in the file parameter.

There is no vendor fix available at this time. It would be advisable to remove the script.

This script is a simple tool which provides a web interface to the ping command for determining whether a remote host is alive. Due to insufficient checking of the pingto parameter, it is possible for a remote attacker to execute arbitrary commands.

Remove the script, or fix the script. An example is provided in Bugtraq.

This script is present in some installations of PHP-Nuke. It allows a remote attacker to view any file by specifying an absolute path name in the file parameter.

Remove the script.

CAN 2003-0156
This script is part of Cross-Referencing Linux, also known as LXR. Due to insufficient checking of input parameters, it is possible for a remote attacker to read arbitrary files on the system by including dot-dot-slash (../) characters and a trailing null character within the v parameter. Stable releases 0.3 and earlier and beta versions 0.9.2 and earlier are affected.

Download stable release 0.3.1 or higher. There is also an updated package from Debian which fixes the problem.

This is the script which implements IkonBoard, a web bulletin board system. Due to insufficient checking of the lang cookie, it is possible for a remote attacker to include arbitrary commands within this cookie, which are then executed by the script. IkonBoard 3.1.1 and probably earlier versions are affected.

IkonBoard 3.1.2 and higher will presumably contain a fix. Alternatively, make the following changes to Sources/Lib/, as posted to Bugtraq:

At line 104, change:

$sid =~ s/^(\d+)$/$1/;
$sid =~ s/^(\d+)$/$1/ or die 'bad sid cookie value';
and at line 191, change:
$iB::COOKIES->{$iB::INFO->{'COOKIE_ID'}.'lang'} =~ s/^([\d\w]+)$/$1/;
$iB::COOKIES->{$iB::INFO->{'COOKIE_ID'}.'lang'} =~ s/^([\d\w]+)$/$1/ or die 'bad lang cookie value';

This program powers WebAdmin, which is a web-based administration interface for MDaemon and other products developed by alt-n. Due to a lack of input parameter checking, it is possible for a remote attacker to view any file on the system by submitting a specially crafted request from a web browser.

Upgrade to WebAdmin 2.0.3 or higher.

CAN 2003-0243
CAN 2003-0277
CAN 2003-0278
This script is part of the Happymall E-Commerce server. Due to insufficient checking of the file parameter which is passed into a PERL open call, a remote attacker could execute arbitrary shell commands or gain unauthorized read access to files. member_html.cgi is also affected by the same vulnerability.

Install the patch referenced in KA2003-034 to correct the code execution problem in both scripts. Note that this patch might not correct the file read problem. If this problem persists, contact the vendor.

Where can I read more about this?

For those interested in reading more about general WWW security and secure CGI programming, visit the World Wide Web Security FAQ.