Unrestricted X Server Access

CVE 1999-0526
CVE 2000-1071


This vulnerability allows unrestricted X server access from arbitrary hosts.


A remote intruder can control the keyboard, mouse and screen.


The X Window system implements an environment where applications use the network to interact with a user workstation's display, keyboard and mouse. There are two classes of programs:

The Problem

The vulnerability is that when the X server permits access from arbitrary hosts on the network, a remote intruder can connect to the X server and:


To correct this vulnerability, remove all instances of the xhost + command from the system-wide Xsession file, from user .xsession files, and from any application programs or shell scripts that use the X window system.

Other tips include using the X magic cookie mechanism or equivalent. With logins under control of xdm, turn on authentication by editing the xdm-config file and setting the DisplayManager*authorize attribute to true. Also, when granting access to the screen from another machine, use the xauth command in preference to the xhost command.

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